How do I access full text AGRICOLA/PubAg?


AGRICOLA and PubAg are open access (free) databases that bring together journal articles, books and more in the agricultural sciences, environmental sciences and more.  They are merely a search tool and do not guarantee access to anything that is not freely available or open access.  


When searching in AGRICOLA,


  1. Click on the source.
  2. Look for the “Electronic Resource:” field.  
  3. Click on the link to the publisher's website.  
  4. Try opening the full text of the source (you will be recognized as a Marist user if you have done DUO authentication from off campus or are on campus) to see if the library has access through the Publisher’s website.  
  5. If you are asked to login or pay, return to the library’s homepage and search for the title of the source in FoxHunt.  
  6. If it does not come up in the search results, click “Add results that require additional delivery time via ILL” and follow the steps to request the full text through Interlibrary Loan


When searching in PubAg, 


  1. Click on the source. 
  2. Look for the “Links” box on the right hand side of the page. 
  3. Click the link within it.  This will also take you to the journal’s/publisher’s website. 
  4. Try opening the full text of the source (you will be recognized as a Marist user if you have done DUO authentication from off campus or are on campus) to see if the library has access through the Publisher’s website.  
  5. If you are asked to login or pay, return to the library’s homepage and search for the title of the source in FoxHunt.  
  6. If it does not come up in the search results, click “Add results that require additional delivery time via ILL” and follow the steps to request the full text through Interlibrary Loan.  


If you need further help, contact a librarian.

  • Last Updated Aug 02, 2024
  • Views 59
  • Answered By Elizabeth Clarke

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