Where can I find Psychographic consumer data?
Demographics refers to statistical data (age, gender, income, etc.) collected for a particular population. Psychographics refers to information about a particular population's attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria.
You can use business databases such as ABI/INFORM Complete and Business Source Elite to find psychographic information.
Use a search such as [your topic] AND (psychograph* OR "consumer attitude*" OR "consumer behavior*").
It might also be helpful to search for [your topic] AND ("consumer research" OR "market research").
Research focusing on families, communities, e-health, education, politics, and news. The reports focus on people's attitudes and behaviors as they relate to politics, media & news, social trends, religion, Internet & technology.
Provides consumer information - especially good for United Kingdom, Germany, United States, Australia, China, Japan, South Korea, and France.
If you need further help, contact a librarian.