Once I find a book in the catalog/FoxHunt how can I find it in the library?


  1. Write down or photograph the book’s call number, it will be in the section of the book labeled locations.  See below for an example:

screenshot of a the Find or Request section of a book record in Fox Hunt


  1. Proceed to where the book is located in the library according to the location after the call number. Most books are on the 1st floor (1 floor down from the library entrance and service desks). In the case of the example above, the book will be on the first floor.
  2. Look for signs at the end of the shelves that list a call number range (ex: A 5 - B 12).  This will be in the middle column on the first floor.
  3. The call numbers are arranged alphabetically, so start by looking for the first letter/s on the shelf signs, in this case the first letters are BX3788.Z5 U6 1995.
  4. Once you have found the correct letter or letter pairing, we’ll now use the number after the letter/s to find the right shelf.  In this case, we’re looking for the number range that contains BX3788.Z5 U6 1995.  Look at the number range on the sign to determine if the number falls within that range.
  5. Once you have found the shelf that contains your book’s call number, look at the spines of the books for the first part of your call number. In the case of the book above, we’re looking for  BX3788.Z5 U6 1995.
  6. Once you have found the correct section in the shelf, the books will be arranged alphabetically by the letter in the next section of the call number and then numerically.  In this case we’re looking for  BX3788.Z5 U6 1995.  You may need to look at the next call number section, in this case  BX3788.Z5 U6 1995, to find the book.
  7. The final part of the call number is the book’s publication date, you may need to use this to confirm that you have the correct book.  In this case it would be  BX3788.Z5 U6 1995.
  8. Once you find the book, you can take it to the Circulation Desk on the 2nd floor (the floor with the Library's main entrance) to check the book out using your Marist ID.


You can also watch this video on how to find a book in the library:

If you need further help, contact a librarian.

  • Last Updated Jul 19, 2023
  • Views 60
  • Answered By Elizabeth Clarke

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