How do I cite Instagram in Chicago Style?


Chicago recommends social media, including Instagram, primarily in text with just the name, username and date mentioned in parentheses, but a formal citation in a footnote can be added when needed and on rare occasions, an entry in the bibliography may be included. 



1. Firstname Lastname (@username), Text of post up to 160 characters, Month day, year, URL.


1. Library of Congress (@librarycongress), One of the most beloved and free-to-use photos in the Library’s collection is of Brunnhilde, for obvious reasons, Instagram photo, January 4, 2023,



Last Name, First Name (@username). Instagram post. Month day, year. URL.


Library of Congress (@librarycongress). One of the most beloved and free-to-use photos in the Library’s

collection is of Brunnhilde, for obvious reasons. Instagram photo, January 4, 2023.

If you need further help, contact a librarian.


  • Last Updated Mar 20, 2023
  • Views 4404
  • Answered By Elizabeth Clarke

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