How do I cite Instagram in MLA Style?
MLA recommends citing the text of an Instagram post in the following format:
Last Name, First Name [@username, if very different than author name]. "Full text of post." Instagram, Day Mon. Year, URL.
Library of Congress [@librarycongress]. “One of the most beloved free-to-use photos in the Library's collection is of Brünnhilde, for obvious reasons. We're happy to report that 2023 comes with a freshly digitized photograph of Brünnhilde from another angle. Swipe to see..” Instagram, 4 Jan. 2023,
MLA recommends citing a photograph/image or video posted on Instagram in the following format:
Last Name, First Name [@username, if very different than author name]. Description of post
[Usually Photo(s) of or Video of]. Instagram, Day Mon. Year, URL.
Library of Congress [@librarycongress]. Photos of Brünnhilde the cat. Instagram, 4 Jan. 2023,
For other stories, highlights and accounts, check out this MLA Style site article.
If you need further help, contact a librarian.