How do I cite video or audio of a recorded lecture from Brightspace in Chicago Style?
Your professor may or may not require you to cite a recorded lecture, so check with them.
Chicago suggests citing any kind of lecture content using the example for a publicly attended lecture or presentation, the examples below are based upon that example and advice from other libraries on citing class lectures.
1. Professor’s Name, “Title of Video,” Course Number and Name (class lecture video, Marist University, Poughkeepsie, NY, Date of video), Brightspace.
1. George Harrison, “The Science of Politics,” POSC001 Political Science Fundamentals (class lecture video, Marist University, Poughkeepsie, NY, September 3, 2022), Brightspace.
Last name, first name of professor. “Title of Video.” Course Number and Name. Class lecture video, Marist University, Poughkeepsie, NY, Date of video. Brightspace.
Harrison, George. “The Science of Politics.” POSC001 Political Science Fundamentals. Class lecture video, Marist University, Poughkeepsie, NY, September 3, 2022. Brightspace.
If you need further help, contact a librarian.