How do I cite ChatGPT & Other AI Tools in APA Style?


As AI changes and develops, the answer to this may change or become outdated.  

This is APA’s guidance as of April 7, 2023:

  • Treat the company that created the AI tool as the author.
  • Follow this with the year that the AI tool version was created.
  • Then the name of the tool.
  • The version number or name
  • Text describing what Language Model used.
  • Finish with a link to the tool’s main website.  As of now there is no way to create a specific link to AI generated materials.


Company Name. (Year of Creation). AI Tool Name (version number/name) [Language model]. URL


OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Sept 25 version) [Large language model].


In-text, you can include the full text of the prompt in quotation marks and use the company as the author:


OpenAI (2023) generated the followed when prompted to “Describe a rose in 2 paragraphs” 


When prompted to “Describe a rose in 2 paragraphs”...(OpenAI, 2023).


The full text of the AI generated content can be placed in an appendix.


If you have a long prompt or multiple prompts, speak with your professor about abbreviating it or placing the full text of the prompts in an appendix.


For more information, see APA’s full announcement.


If you need further help, contact a librarian.


  • Last Updated Oct 12, 2023
  • Views 65
  • Answered By Elizabeth Clarke

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