How do I cite an image in AMA format?
AMA does not provide specific guidance on how to cite an image, librarians have created this guidance based upon the AMA manual.
This guidance is not intended for formal publication/presentation of your paper or presentation outside the Marist community. For formal publication or presentation, seek permission from the author of the image before reproducing it.
For images from a book or article, cite the original source in your reference list, essentially treating it as a direct quote, following the formatting rules for that source type. Caption the image and place a superscript number next to the caption in-text. Continue the in-text citation numbering from the previous section of your project.
Figure 1. ChatGPT generated images of the shoulder.1
- Ajmera P, Nischal N, Ariyaratne S, Botchu B, Bhamidipaty DP, Iyengar KP, Ajmera SR, Jenko N, Botchu R. Validity of ChatGPT-generated musculoskeletal images. Skeletal Radiol. Published online March 4, 2024.
If you are not reproducing the image within your project, simply cite the original source in your reference list and use a superscript in text where you discuss the image.
For images from online sources, cite it as you would a website either as a caption for the image or in the Reference List.
Citation as Caption
Figure Number. Creator Last Name, Creator First Initial (if one is available) or Name of Organization. Title of image (if no title is provided, a descriptive title can be created by you). Image medium if necessary (ex: Image, Infographic, etc.,). Website Name. Publication Date. Access Date. URL
Figure 1. Redwood, J. Eastern American red fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. fulvus) observed in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario on January 2017. Image. Wikimedia Commons. Published June 20, 2021. Accessed May 14, 2024.
Citation in the Reference List
Next to your image’s caption, place a superscript number.
Figure 1. Red Fox1
- Creator Last Name, Creator First Initial (if one is available) or Name of Organization. Title of image (if no title is provided, a descriptive title can be created by you). Image medium if necessary (ex: Image, Infographic, etc.,). Website Name. Publication Date. Access Date. URL
- Redwood, J. Eastern American red fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. fulvus) observed in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario on January 2017. Image. Wikimedia Commons. Published June 20, 2021. Accessed May 14, 2024.
If you are not reproducing the image within your project, simply cite it in your reference list and use a superscript in text where you discuss the image.
If you need further help, contact a librarian