How do I cite an image in MLA Style?


To cite an image in MLA format, identify the key elements needed:

  • Creator, if listed, start with the title if no creator is listed.
  • Title of work, if no title available, describe the work briefly. 
  • Date of composition
  • Source for image (museum where piece is housed, publication where it appears, website it came from)
  • URL (If online)


With Creator

Creator Last Name, Creator First Name. Title of Image. “Title of Article/Page,” Day Mon. Year, if available. Title of Website, URL.  Accessed Day Mon. Year.


Sharron, Ed.The Red Fox of the Northeast: Vulpes vulpes fulva. “Species Spotlight: Red Fox,” 2 Mar. 2023. National Parks Service, Accessed 9 Jan. 2024.

In-text Citation:




Without Creator

Title of Image. “Title of Article/Page,” Day Mon. Year, if available. Title of Website, URL. Accessed Day Mon. Year.


Fox. “Foxes.” PBS, Accessed 9 Jan. 2024. 

In-text Citation:

(Title of Image, if long shorten it).




Creator Last Name, Creator First Name. Title of Work. Year of Work. Museum/Institution, URL. 


Homer, Winslow. Fox Hunt. 1893. Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts,

In-text Citation:



If you are citing social media images, cite them as social media.  See “How do I cite Instagram in MLA?”, “How do I cite Twitter in MLA?”, and “How do I cite Facebook in MLA?” for further information.

This is just the basics of MLA citation for images, for further detail, check out the MLA Manual available in the library or the MLA Blog.

If you need further help, contact a librarian or check out the resources on the Citation Help page


  • Last Updated Jan 09, 2024
  • Views 674
  • Answered By Elizabeth Clarke

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